In It for the Long Run: A Decade with the Darkside Running Club by Scott Ludwig
In It for the Long Run: A Decade with the Darkside Running Club by Scott Ludwig PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Multiple races of marathon distance or greater in a month . . . or perhaps in a weekend. Several unsupported runs of 50 and 100 miles through the mountains and forests several times a year. Have you ever considered running through a desert, across a frozen tundra or over multiple mountain ranges? Why not run for three days straight to see how many miles you can accrue? Welcome to a place where no locale is too inhospitable and no distance impossible. Welcome . . . to the Darkside. The Darkside Running Club, established in 2002 is a place where runners meet to express their love for distance running and camaraderie by spending countless hours and miles committed to doing what they enjoy most. They share a singular focus towards achieving goals far off in the distance, both literally and figuratively. With their dedication and commitment you may believe the Darksider to be a professional athlete, or perhaps an Olympian. But you would be wrong: they are simply ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the sport they love: running. Highly competitive while never taking themselves too seriously, they strive to shave off minutes or perhaps hours while adding a mile or two . . . or twenty while pushing their limits further and further. The impossible becomes possible; dreams become reality. They won't take 'no' for an answer as they persevere to move beyond physical and emotional discomfort to finish what they started. Excuses don't exist. Their passion is contagious. So reader be warned: they're in it for the long run.From reader reviews:
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