The Haunted House (Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks) by R. A. Montgomery
The Haunted House (Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks) by R. A. Montgomery PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
WATCH OUT!This book is different than every book you've ever read.
Don't believe me?
Have you ever read a book that's about you? This book is!
YOU get to choose what happens next - and even how the story will end.
Your dog Homer is your best friend. One afternoon he chases a white cat into a creepy old house. You call Homer's name, but he doesn't come back! You think this house looks haunted. You can follow Homer inside the old house, but if you meet a ghost or ghoul, you'll have to decide what to do.
Will you take candy from a strange talking turtle?
Should you follow a mouse down a dark tunnel?
Do you trust the unicorn?
YOU choose what happens next! Good luck...
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