Jumat, 12 September 2014

PDF⋙ But Why... Eat Like That? by Fay Karpouzis

But Why... Eat Like That? by Fay Karpouzis

But Why... Eat Like That?

But Why... Eat Like That? by Fay Karpouzis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Fay and her mother (Yiayia Dina) made two patchwork teddy bears for her daughters when they were very young. Little did she know that these teddy bears and her girls would inspire her to write several books. Fay has used her personal, clinical and research experience to write a series of evidence-based children's books.

The "But why...?" series include important lifestyle choices that are designed to enhance the lives of children with or without ADHD. These books are best suited for the 4-8 age group. They are perfect for any parent who would like to know how to help their child achieve their physical, mental and emotional well-being.

"But why... EAT like that?" was designed to encourage children to eat from a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, whilst entertaining them.

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