Senin, 17 November 2014

PDF⋙ DK Readers L3: Snappy Crocodile Tale by Niki Foreman

DK Readers L3: Snappy Crocodile Tale by Niki Foreman

DK Readers L3: Snappy Crocodile Tale

DK Readers L3: Snappy Crocodile Tale by Niki Foreman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

For kids who like learning about crocodiles, or who are interested in Australia and Australian wildlife, comes Snappy Crocodile Tale, a DK Reader designed to improve reading skills while keeping kids engaged and entertained. In Snappy Crocodile Tale, we follow the adventures of Chris Croc all the way from birth through his time as king of the river! Chris Croc lives at Kakadu National Park in Australia, and through his journey we meet more Australian wildlife through the crocodile's encounters with them and find out about these fascinating but deadly creatures.

Develop your child's reading skills with DK Readers, a multi-level reading program designed to capture your child's interest while developing reading skills and general knowledge. A wide variety of subjects allows you to choose a topic that interests your child and develop reading skills around it. Children ages 4 through 9 will find the perfect books for their appropriate reading levels to develop the reading skills needed to improve school projects and independent reading.

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