Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Mixed-Use Development: Nine Case Studies of Complex Projects by Dean Schwanke

Mixed-Use Development: Nine Case Studies of Complex Projects by Dean Schwanke

Mixed-Use Development: Nine Case Studies of Complex Projects

Mixed-Use Development: Nine Case Studies of Complex Projects by Dean Schwanke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This publication provides a detailed look at nine leading examples of mixed-use projects from around the world that have been developed in recent years. The case studies are drawn from the ULI Case Studies program, which showcases innovative approaches and best practices in real estate and urban development. The nine mixed-use projects featured offer a wide range of approaches to mixed-use development globally, including three developments in the United States, two in China, and one each in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy. The case studies range fromhigh-rise projects in central business districts—such as Porta Nuova in Milan, Italy, and Woodward's in Vancouver, Canada—to suburban town centers, such as CityCentre in Houston, Texas, United States, and North Hills in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States. In addition to the case studies themselves, this report provides a brief overview of the key traits for this group of case studies, as well as the lessons learned at each project.

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