History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776, from the death of Montgomery to the retreat of the British Army under Sir Guy Carleton. by Charles Henry Jones
History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776, from the death of Montgomery to the retreat of the British Army under Sir Guy Carleton. by Charles Henry Jones PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1882. Excerpt: ... Cartridge-Pa Per, General Gates calls upon Congress for, 125; sup-ply of, reaches Ticonderoga, 126. Cavendish's, Lord, British regiment, 86. Cedars, American troops sent to, 54; reinforcements sent to, 55; invested by British troops under Captain Forster, 56; surrender of, by But-terfield, 57; barbarous treatment of the prisoners, 59; remonstrance of Congress, 118; answer of Sir Guy Carleton thereto, 119. Chamblee, death of General Thomas at, 53; desertions from, 82; retreat-ing army arrives at, 83; General Carleton establishes his headquar-ters at, 87; American troops retreat from, 88; headquarters of General Carleton at, 144; road from, to Isle aux Noix repaired by the British, 156, British vessels and bateaux constructed at, 161. Chase, Samuel, member of com-mittee sent by Congress to Canada, 33. Chase, Colonel, New England re-fiment of militia under, reaches 'iconderoga, 179. Chills and fever on Lake Cham-plain, 115. Chimney Point, Arnold and party arrive at, 170; British army occu-pies, 173. Christ Church, 14. Church, Captain Thomas, company of, sent to Canada, 39; scout under, returns to Ticonderoga from Crown Point, 160. Clergy of Pennsylvania preach to Associators, 2; of Canada hostile to American cause, 33. Clinton, Sir Henry, arrives at New York city, 23. Clothing, scarcity of, on board the fleet, 148; army at Ticonderoga in need of, 152; sent by Congress to Ticonderoga, 152. Clymer, George, member of com-mittee of Congress to visit North-ern army, 106; comments on con-dition of sick at Fort George, 106; Command of Northern army, 34; disputed between Generals Schuy-ler and Gates, 99; Congress settles in favor of General Schuyler, 100. Commission before the Declaration of Independence, 208; after the De-claration of Independence, 209. Commissione...From reader reviews:
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