Senin, 02 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Cured: Slow Techniques for Flavouring Meat, Fish and Vegetables by Lindy Wildsmith

Cured: Slow Techniques for Flavouring Meat, Fish and Vegetables by Lindy Wildsmith

Cured: Slow Techniques for Flavouring Meat, Fish and Vegetables

Cured: Slow Techniques for Flavouring Meat, Fish and Vegetables by Lindy Wildsmith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Originally, curing was a necessity – the only way food could be preserved before the advent of refrigeration. Now, it’s a luxurious way to enjoy unique, intense flavours in foods ranging from meat and fish to, fruit and vegetables.


Seven sections – each dedicated to a different method of curing – de-mystify this ancient technique and show how every cook can create delicious cured cuisine in their own kitchen.


A truly global compendium of deliciously preserved dishes, recipes range from New York Deli pastrami and Native American venison jerky to the Japanese pickled and marinated fish, Sashimi and Shimi Saba. From Europe come smoked salmon and salt beef, German Liverwurst Sausage, salt cod dishes of both the Mediterranean and Scandinavia, and Italian classic antipasti in the form of

Venetian Carpaccio and ruby red Carne Salada


Lindy Wildsmith covers cultures and cooking from around the world both modern and ancient. Cured details Native American, Japanese, historic Roman and Greek, and current European practices.


Nurturing flavour over days, weeks or even months is a unique way to prepare food, producing mouth-watering results every time. Home-produced delicacies taste even better for having been patiently prepared and eagerly anticipated – truly great Slow Food, deeply infused with fantastic flavour.

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