Senin, 16 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Sharing evidence-based practices in Open and Distance Learning: Experiences from the Zimbabwe Open University by Jameson Kurasha

Sharing evidence-based practices in Open and Distance Learning: Experiences from the Zimbabwe Open University by Jameson Kurasha

Sharing evidence-based practices in Open and Distance Learning: Experiences from the Zimbabwe Open University

Sharing evidence-based practices in Open and Distance Learning: Experiences from the Zimbabwe Open University by Jameson Kurasha PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Open and distance learning universities are not only seen as the most appropriate vehicle to capacitate the disadvantaged and poor communities of Africa, but also the surest way to mobilize the African masses for the continuously elusive socio-economic development. Since the advent of independence a plethora of universities have opened their doors both on the African soil and abroad, all offering research degrees in public administration, governance and socio-economic development, but the destination is still very far, hidden in the mist. This collection written by lecturers from different faculties of Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Masvingo Region argues for best practices in ODL to ensure that education achieves the desired goals. It addresses issues of quality,e-learning, tutorials, marketing ODL products in competitiuve markets, technology, curriculum language, among other related issues. All the twelve articles in this collection are based on either lecturers or students experiences and perceptions. Jameson Kurasha

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