Victorian Watercolours by Christopher Newall
Victorian Watercolours by Christopher Newall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Victorian era gave rise to some of the most beautiful and extraordinary watercolours ever painted. With their meticulous technique and discreet purpose, they convey much about the romantic and moral temperament of the age. This volume is the first general introduction to what was a particularly popular medium in the Victorian era and was, in fact, the preferred form of expression for many artists. Through his discussion of subject matter and stylistic development, Christopher Newall provides a fascinating insight into the artistic sensibility of the period. Featuring full-colour masterworks by such major figures as Ruskin, Burne-Jones and Rossetti, along with many lesser-known but respected talents and analyses of both the individual works and the way in which they contributed to the stylistic development of the medium during the period, this is a valuable addition to the scholarship on Victorian art.From reader reviews:
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