Reach!:Dream|Stretch|Achieve|Influence by Stacey Alcorn, Ann Marie DuRoss, Christi Guthrie
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What is Reach!? As opposed to reach, Reach!, with an exclamation point, portrays emotion. This book is about magic. It is about creating something out of nothing. It is about bravely closing your eyes, pushing through your fear, and reaching for something that is not yet within your grasp. Once armed with the lessons and stories in this book, you will have the essential skills needed to achieve all of your dreams. For the first time ever, the job you want, the spouse you seek, the house, the car, the education, and the accomplishments you yearn for are all within Reach! If this sounds unlikely or even impossible, keep reading, as you encounter back-to-back stories of people like you who thought that their greatest aspirations were pipe dreams too. Then something amazing happened in each of the lives . They learned a skill never taught in school, rarely dissected in books, and seldom talked about amongst peers. They learned how to Reach!From reader reviews:
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