Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Women of Strength: A Devotional to Improve Spiritual and Physical Health by Mrs Kimberley Payne

Women of Strength: A Devotional to Improve Spiritual and Physical Health by Mrs Kimberley Payne

Women of Strength: A Devotional to Improve Spiritual and Physical Health

Women of Strength: A Devotional to Improve Spiritual and Physical Health by Mrs Kimberley Payne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Women of Strength is a motivational book to empower women to improve their physical and spiritual health to live balanced, whole and joyous lives that glorify God. This devotional covers a wealth of material that will encourage the reader toward a healthier lifestyle.

**Women of Strength has been combined with Fit for Faith to create a new 60-day Spiritual & Physical Challenge! Join the next challenge for a balanced approach to health and weight loss, while improving your spiritual walk with God. Visit Kimberley Payne's website for more details. 

Each section is loaded with bite-sized pieces of health and fitness information including:
Devotional article - A fresh, insightful 400-word article with a reflection on the similarities between the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and building a relationship with God.
Q & A - A factual answer surrounding the most common health & fitness questions.
Reflection - An insight into the regular challenges a woman faces when fitting exercise into her day. Each reflection requires a response for the reader's thoughts and ideas.
Prayer - A prayer has been written for the reader. She may read this prayer, reflect and meditate on it, or she may choose to offer her own prayer to God.
Bible Truth - A scripture verse to find the joy and peace through God's written Word, the Bible.
Top Tips - Clear advice on goal planning and exercise guidelines to set up a program for active living including:  
Praise Moves: Full-body strength training and stretching exercises to get the reader started Challenge: A simple challenge to help the reader to apply active living
Women of Strength is a devotional for women, dedicated to encouraging them to discover how easy it is to become more physically active while improving their spiritual walk with God.

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